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Monday, April 30, 2012


Prolonged floods, droughts, salinity and soil erosion due to the absence of increased risk of advanced experience in agriculture to climate change. Extended dry and wet season rice growing season droughts, flooding and salinity in the long run to set the appropriate values ​​into it. Since agriculture is the mainstay economy of Bangladesh is vulnerable to the effects on agriculture."People of Bangladesh to climate change, coastal zone and water resources in the area depends.The main changes in water quality and diversification of agricultural crops, agricultural development changes. This is not the only area that climate change is affecting the country. And the introduction of new types of development and dissemination of important and (inter) national research must be perceived aider.enlargement. Mounted on free market reforms and access to credit for farmers are encouraged.

Freshwater Resources

Bangladesh, dry and fresh water resources at risk, the extraction of the most mature. Three major rivers, flood plains of Bangladesh under serious risk of flooding on an annual monsoon fed. Morphological erosion and sediment and soil loss increased in other parts of the activity. Sedimentation and hand kanajesana drainage, water flooded in, and return period flood barrier.Variations kanajesana remove the core, it reduces the risk of soil erosion and drought, both wet and dry season water resource management to address them. Both domestic, industrial, irrigation, navigation, and ecosystem quality and quantity of water supply for use can be expected to increase. The water demand, a decrease in water resources planning and management, design, operation and maintenance of infrastructure will be tied in parallel need for an integrated approach may be necessary. Impact of climate change will be responsible for the design and location criteria.

Sunday, April 29, 2012

Coastal resources

The main risks have been identified that affect coastal resources. Agricultural land, flood, cyclone, and by the loss of important environmental areas, which are at risk of salinization, the most dangerous effects of climate change.A coastal area of ​​the main changes have been brought against that adequate flood protection and security of the population and economic activity from the storm surge. The most important conditions for development of coastal protection. Coastal water (depth to water availability and drainage congestion), property, industrial property, the bank together with a shift in agriculture to reduce dependence on trade. Rare in freshwater and coastal ecosystems, such as the Sundarbans ecosystem management as a priority for the sound management of domestic and industrial needs.Coastal protection against storms, and as a recent survey of the tidal basin with a strong component in the management of the partnership is new, and current performance of the mangrove belt prometteur.Gestion was considered promising, and encourage sedimentation. Effective tool to improve the protection against cyclones and disaster warning system to ensure a war against the increased risk. Bangladesh is a good record in this matter, where the property can be strengthened.

Development of a climate change knowledge base

A modern, integrated and broadly shared policy and strategic development plans of Bangladesh for the support knowledge base. Regional climate control, and Bangladesh, Southeast Asia, and the data recorded area network should be maintained and improved. Constant flow and broad geographic coverage with reliable information, it is unclear whether and how climate change. In addition, climate change and variability is not enough to support test data analysis.
GIS is an integrated coastal zone from climate change and to develop a long-term strategic approach to the data, including system operation, it. Recommended method is to integrate Mounted Police, and a more open organizational information sharing is provided with a chance to change.

Bangladesh is very affected global climate change

Induced global climate change and associated sea level rise by the person responsible for policy changes, and widely accepted by scientists. The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) concluded that "a balance of international evidence on the direct effects of climate change shows. Climate change and global scientific studies are still unsure of the exact dimensions depend on. Widely recognized that Bangladesh is very sensitive to this change. Fact The reason is that Bangladesh as internationally, is probably the worst consequences of climate change.Bangladesh is very low because the worm, the Ganges, Brahmaputra and Meghna delta located in the Bay of Bengal meet. National Economy, Agriculture and Natural Resources that are sensitive to climate change and sea level from rising too dependent. In this research, climate change and adaptation options in Bangladesh focuses on the risk. Vulnerability (the degree of climate change in a system that can damage or injury) (a system that responds to the degree of climate change), sensitivity and adaptability (the degree to which processes and practices, or structural adjustment). On Less fresh water, drainage kanajesana, sea levels, increased flooding and coastal storms, and how they affect the country's first climate-related problems identified by research. Second, how climate change and adaptation to the potential impact of the policy direction will be. Therefore, the manufacturers and the strategic direction of research to develop a policy for the study of the effects of climate change policy may be. Most of them work for you, without a guide, or the project architect and project managers to move forward the policy is not intended as a guide.

Saturday, April 28, 2012

Cyber crime Prevention

Prevention is always better than cure. Always alert to everything, just to function properly. You must be part of a cyber life. : Care, prevention, conservation, protection and tenacity saileshkumar Zarkar, technical adviser and the Mumbai police cyber crime, network security, 5P mantra for online security specialist advocates cells. Consider the following issues must be user
There is no information about you 1.For electronic harassment does not occur to avoid. It is not known to hide their identity, but also public places.
2.always foreigners, in particular, a photograph photos online and chat with friends, to prevent abuse were reported.
And anti-virus software, virus attacks 3.always access to the latest updates to protect against.
The amount of pollution in the loss of all data 4.Always virus can be recovered
Your credit card number of each site, to protect against fraud 5.never not safe.
Child abuse and corruption 6.always sites your kids or take a look at all areas of a form of resistance.

8.web site traffic and site owners for any irregularities should be tested. Host Intrusion Detection can be based on the device for the server.
9.Use firewall may be helpful.
And 10. The web server is physically separated from public areas must be protected from the internal corporate network.

In Bangladesh, information technology and communication to Parliament a bill is prepared.

Cyber crime dynamically

 In short, cyber crime, "the dynamic nature of FBI Director Louis Frees, the power of cyber-intrusion problem, however, we also increased significantly, and we are back in the struggle to improve." However, there are (), human creativity can not be accepted by any law. Thus, the only way out is to make an application cyber crime generous statutory provisions.

Thursday, April 26, 2012


Cyber criminals range and structure of the group. Department that they can be justified on the basis of the objects in your mind. The cyber criminal (2) the category of:

1. Children and adolescents 18 years of age group 6 years -
In addition, there may be psychological. For example, Bal Bharati (Delhi) and his friends were the result of criminal harassment.

2. Organize - Hackers
Hackers with a specific purpose, most of these guys are organized. Because of their political bias, fundamentalism can be done, etc., Pakistanis and the world was one of the best value pirates. The purpose of the site with the main objective is to meet their political objectives. NASA is still under attack by pirates and the Microsoft site.

3. Professional pirates and crackers
His work is inspired by the color of money. The pirates in this type of day most sites, and reliable, trusted, and to obtain valuable information from the pony must be named. And

4. Let employees
   They usually pay for their employees to hack the system.

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Medical Jurisprudence

 Development, the actions of Bangladesh, many social, cultural, financial and health in develop countries in particular. The soil, stimulating the development of Bangladesh medical education, the many challenge of health measures. This article undergraduate and graduate education - with particular emphasis on issues related to medical education is a snapshot of the current situation, a five-point action plan focused on the immediate challenges, and a publisher.
Clinical forensic medicine and forensic science include. Les forensic services public colleges and civil surgeons to rest partially provided by academic staff. Sometimes, the district hospital, resident doctor in a medical student - legally. Most of them free - for a long exposure, without any legal merit or legal. Currently, academic and professional postgraduate courses available, Chemistry laboratory examiner, with the possibility of quantitative tests alone situated. Bangladesh government is currently trying to standardize a system. Bangladesh medico - legal Society of regular therapy - a workshop on the legal services. A DNA Profiling Laboratory of Dhaka Medical College is being set up. Bangladesh doctors running - the legal development will be a milestone. With a few exceptions, however, is still missing educational opportunities and training.
Solicitation related to forensic pathology as a medical specialty, both civil and criminal policy and practice "is defined in the application for the drug. Word" forensic "is a Latin word meaning forensic stage. Rome, an accident the autopsy table is a bad idea to see a full forensic medicine. The treatment of the dead and alive and if the legal standard, Clinical forensic medical treatment and living with the price that a judicial review is the branch of forensic medicine. America, Britain, South Africa and other countries, more forensic, clinical, forensic, forensic deontology, forensic toxicology, forensic psychiatry, forensic anthropology, forensic entomology, legal and judicial radiology, serology, and sub-specialties there.

Mauritius, the Prime Minister's Office under the supervision of the Department of Forensic Medicine and is considered one of the police in various departments of government. Master of Laws degree in forensic medicine and police purposes or with the medical director of forensic experts was formed as a department is designated. Forensic experts, but they are only experts in forensic toxicology, forensic and clinical medicine is not law. All types of medico - legal cases dead as heavy accidents, assaults, homicides, suicides, poisonings, business in Mauritius, as the autopsies of the four major sex crimes, such as conduction centers are approved for the mortuary. There are two fully functional. There are two basic types of legal system:

    Criminal status: common types of crime against property, criminal law, individuals, state security, including interest, is thought to be involved in crimes against the state (identified by prosecutor) and the person is charged. Okay, fine, imprisonment, forced labor, and consist
    Marital status: two individuals or the state, contracts, civil law, and discussion groups rather than a debate as to negligence, the penalty is usually financial compensation or damages.

Single, sometimes in the incidence of road accidents, both civil and criminal proceedings under the traffic that can be dragged. Mauritius, the District and Intermediate Courts (Criminal Jurisdiction) Act † by virtue of section 110 (1) A magistrate is informed when a person:

 1. Committed to a client;
 2.  Other people, or animals or equipment, or were killed in the accident;
 3. Or reasonable suspicion that a crime has been sent to the person in circumstances
4.Or died in prison custody.

Body or an agent for the order to carry out an investigation into the medical care should continue. Charge of the case, Deputy Director General of Police and will be asked to post-mortem tests conducted by the police doctor. In India, for example, according to the survey in general for Mauritius. However, the public of the death penalty under 111 (1) because of an investigation under Article 110 section in any case, can be provided to maintain power. Suspicious death, the Magistrate may order excavation. There are three types of power in the criminal courts. Supreme Court, nine intermediate courts and district court. Judicial Committee of Privy Council appeals and the Supreme Court in the UK.

Only in Mauritius SSR Medical College, Medical College, the Department of Forensic Medicine and Toxicology, graduate students in science, medical and legal training, MBBS Department for the well-established. Graduate courses in design patterns based on MCI. Forensic medicine and toxicology, and the other half of the period covered by the professional

Area of Medical jurisprudence

Nature and Development of Medical Jurisprudence,
Medical Evidence and Medical Witness
Law in Relation to Medical Men.
Personal Identity
Post Mortem Examination (Autopsy)
Examination of Biological Stains and Hair
Death in its Medico-legal Aspects
Death from Asphyxia
Death from Starvation, Cold and Heat
Injuries from Burns, Scalds, Lighting and Electricity
The Medico-Legal Aspects of Wounds
Traffic Injuries
Regional Injuries
Impotence, Sterility and Artificial Insemination
Virginity, Pregnancy and Delivery
Sexual Offences
Legitimacy and Legal Aspects of Marriage Annulment
Abortion and Medical Termination of Pregnancy
Medico-legal Aspect of Sterilization
Insanity and Its Medico-legal Aspects
Bioethics and Bioterrorism;
Relevant Laws:
1. Code of Criminal Procedure, 1898
2. The Evidence Act, 1872
Books Recommended:
1. Modi’s Medical Jurisprudence & Toxicology: K. Mathiharan & Amrit K. Patnaik
2. Medical Jurisprudence: Bokshi
3. Medical Jurisprudence: R. M. Jhala & Raju
4. Cases and Materials on Medical Jurisprudence and Toxicology: K K Sing
Leading Cases:
1. E. v. Rama Sattu, 4 B.L.R. 434
2. Bakshish Singh v. The State of Punjab, A.I.R. 1957, S.C. 904.
3. Dwakins v. Rockeby, L.R., 7 H. L. 744
4. King Emperor v. Ramnath, 27 C.L.J. 1926, 460
5. Jasha Bewa (1907) 11 C.W. 904

Monday, April 23, 2012

Reason of Cyber crime

Cyber crime:
The heart of their own acts of "right" to the weak rule of law is necessary to protect. Your computer is vulnerable, so we have the rule of law to protect against cyber crime is chosen, it can be attached to the call. The computer may be a common cause are as follows:
1. The ability to store data in a small space
    Very little space is a unique function for computer data storage. The removal or retrieval of information by means of physical or virtual, it is much easier.
2. - Easy access to
Secretly implanted logic bomb, keystroke that the access code, a voice recorder cutting edge and can be stolen, etc. retinal imaging that fooled biometric systems, and are used to circumvent firewall security systems can be found in the past.
3. Complex -
The alternative operating systems and computer operating system composed of millions of working code. Incredible human mind and it cannot be a missed period. Cyber criminals abuse of loopholes in the system on the computer to enter.  &
 4.Negligence -
    Is very closely related to the neglect of management.
5. Proof of damage
    Very common as a clear proof of a problem, and all information is routinely destroyed. Regional extent of the paralysis of the system of data collection about the criminal investigation...

Saturday, April 21, 2012

Digital crime

   Crime is a social and economic phenomenon, and ancient man. Criminal law is a legal concept, and was approved. Or criminal, an error of law, the pain of criminal prosecution may be followed by. "(1) printing the act constituting the crime of violation of criminal law. Each major criminal Atkins quality standards, found that cannot be prohibited by law and punishment."

   The last, and perhaps the most complex problems of the world network, cyber crime. In other word, the crime of intellectual property, e-mail spoofing, forgery, defamation network, network harassment. However, in the computer system / computer / computer network can be for any illegal, unauthorized access, data theft, e-mail bombing, including electronic form, perhaps, the data is very long, attacks sausages, logic bombs, Trojan attacks, internet time theft, computer systems, improvements in networking, theft, physical damage to computer systems.
So, cyber crime may be offset by the State to allow the default value.

Friday, April 20, 2012

Universal Service under Telecommunication Law in Bangladesh


Of this decade, Bangladesh has seen significant changes in the competitive landscape changes in the telecommunications wireless technology has allowed to enter. Deregulation of telecommunications in Bangladesh in a unique way. Bangladesh domestic and international long distance telephone competition in the local loop monopoly In Bangladesh, GrameenPhone any of the lenses to see if the regulatory test, in order to regulatory innovation, which is useful to extend the findings, it is always easy to use and conservative economic liberalization, privatization, immediately to the WTO (the) World Trade Organization and the International Telecommunications (ITU :) the microscopic supports. Cable network in Bangladesh in 1996 is disappointing. This year has been extended for wireless licenses. Shortly after the Grameen Bank, the region at the level of wireless service providers is a major step forward. This article, Bangladesh, regulatory agencies, the purpose (plain old telephone service) GrameenPhone (Grameen Bank's mobile phone service provider) to provide comprehensive development plan, quick access to the transfer are discussed.
GrameenPhone Village Program, rural development initiatives in poor rural telecommunications has the potential to provide sustainable solutions. A unique perspective on the use of new technologies as combinations of financial services and corporate marketing programs. Despite the rules, this is due? We want to explore this issue.

Universal Service
The basic service is a set of utilities. The 1999 review of the regulatory framework for public services, and the Internet to maintain a minimum speed, it was decided to update. The definition of public services, the principle of universal service and user rights director 2002/22/EC.

Defined by the user's end of year, geography and specific national conditions, set at an affordable price regardless of lighting services. Including public services: Public telephone network to connect to specific location End users and the local, national and international long distance calls, fax communications and data should be obtained.

Public Telephone Access
Among other things, operator assistance, information service provides special provisions for persons with disabilities, provides its customers, etc. can be:
• Availability of directory service information
Class directory information, customer name, number, address, client, directory, and type of quantitative mean at least one comprehensive directory the final list of all users and to find a wide range of services.
• Availability of public pay telephones.
Public payphones, coins, cards, credit cards, prepaid cards, as Throe phones available for 112 business cards without the use of resources as a number of forms required for emergency services provided free of charge is. The public telephone is a significant number of citizens is not enough.
• For people with disabilities and special needs of the community is user-friendly.
Users and people with disabilities for people with special needs, special rules apply. Member States for telephone service at a specific location access to appropriate and publicly disclosed are responsible to make sure. Some examples of the ways the system, access to public pay phones disabled, deaf or speech-making telephone damaged joint text, directory inquiry services (or equivalent) for the blind free of charge, etc., can provide. Through special arrangement with Microsoft to ensure that the national conditions, utilities and service providers should be taken that the disabled users.

Quality of service
If the service is disabled, the parameters for advanced users and consumers, should be extinguished at the end of the national regulatory authorities - service users and consumers, the price-performance of services related to other values.
Service availability
Universal Service Obligation in the value of services to the user, regardless of their geographic location.
Purchasing power
Universal service, include service and affordable for consumers. Therefore, national regulatory authorities and national retail tariffs and related income consumers, especially the development and to verify the level of confidence. Access requirements Low income or social needs of the consumer in direct support of member States to leave, 112 emergencies, the emergency number is in another country.
Directory service
Search Directory information and directory services are an important part of all customer services, perfect to keep in mind as a goal. At the end of it all and have a minimum service search directory for users - users should be required. A printed or electronic directory containing your personal information to provide customers with rights to Telecom client and treatment 97/66 guidelines in the European personal privacy of your personal confidential information on the public record confirmed information.
Finally an affordable price, ensure to be required minimum set of services. Thus, suppliers involved in the net cost of $, it's probably the only damage, or outside normal commercial standards, the net cost of universal service obligations to provide compensation.
To send specific obligations, taking into account the disproportionate burden of universal service obligations, the burden of the cost of the service to be prescribed a total cost needs to NRAs. and service providers to share.
Local loop, domestic long distances running in Bangladesh. In Bangladesh, three non-Communist countries (Bangladesh, Sri Lanka and India) is one of the local loop, domestic long distance and more competitive. The results were mixed. A wireless infrastructure available for new opportunities to expenditure the regulatory changes in relatively inexpensive. Universal controller for a strong strategy for telecommunications infrastructure offer access to compensate for the challenge.  BTT with network reliability problems and poor communication exists is very high. Tele density monopoly privatization, open field of competition (competition), and the local loop, the market approach is appropriate for an entrepreneur to cash in on the option to extend. In modern management model GrameenPhone. Universal Service Public Service (which may be difficult in a developing country will be generated) in search of funding for the local market context, entrepreneurs, local competitive advantage works the same way. This is a particularly high risk that such a solution (in terms of development initiatives, GrameenPhone) is considered long term. Beyond the body, it needs to be considered for broadband is important to recognize. GSM broadband connection, but the uncertainty of the potential and other factors, as defined by a broad band is to be performed.
Finally, a clear long-distance market is open GrameenPhone, a defensible competitive regulation. Grameen Phone, Bangladesh, rural infrastructure programs, poverty, and the above description is derived directly from the vulnerability. Clearly in this case is available for domestic long distance, regardless of the state. GrameenPhone is a development, short-term and long-term to develop a national long distance market is a potential market. Therefore, the long distance markets, the immediacy of the telephone in rural areas are free of long distance competition.
Potential lack of market competition, long distance telephone companies that sell in the capital is the main flow. Although not explicitly mentioned, it is clear that a more lucrative urban mobile, making it less likely that rural programs are self-acceptance can rake.

In contrast, the absence of an open market long distance, local loop, the most urgent need of investment which has invested in a push up. The company is buying shares of the investment is targeted in a campaign fund. However, the end results of questionable value as money, especially if the soil with discrete areas traditionally considered to necessary to have no effect on the market. Plants do not transfer the ownership. The competition, things ware, which evaporates in the areas of competition to public services, standard services is the best solution to the problem. Liberalization of restrictions on local loop and long distance effects With international suppliers to GrameenPhone ATVs do not compete with the open market. Less than capital - intensive mobile market participants were more likely to reduce the concentration of landless poor.
Wireless local loop services compete for public attention, so that Bangladesh is a very different path for him. No small part to the success of this depends on the success of Grameen Phone. The available data indicate that strategy admitted that the country is best for the job. A model of the WTO and trade liberalization as a means of support for a more locally responsive and understand the larger developing detailed telecommunications.