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Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Damaged Non-urban Economy

"Third Globe Nations Government authorities particularly Indian local rather than mounting lengthy lasting financial guidelines based on gardening Areas have always been undertaking disaster management of economic climate from one disaster to another suiting

Political leaders' organization to European Mentors"

Most of the Under developed countries have obtained freedom from northeastern guidelines of England, Portugal, Colonial and others in the 19th millennium but so far their authority still stayed under the servant mindset of their guides. The declaration of servant mindset is further complicated for Indian local leasers because of over 1500 years of captivity have murdered both their awareness and perspective. These short spotted commanders see nothing beyond their personal and family gain, thus, reducing every growth and loyal country focused strategy towards my concept of filter Frog type Vision Approach (FVA) in Decision Making (DM). Further, now days most of the local Indians commanders rather than searching old Indian local means of high group based on spirits and mentality are always looking towards European Simple Human body Attract of Sparkle (BBLG) established on sex, lust and avarice in the name of freedom and freedom. Most of the winners of freedom life center around genital exploitations and also the looking after of heterosexual connections of pet way of life.

Indian economic climate which was used by Master Todarmal during the program of Akbar has given various new methods of conquering all the issues of hardship. Our European knowledgeable orators, who talk articulated Hinglish, drink European bottles of wine and live in various celebrity resorts do not see a bad common man perspiration in the roads of non-urban locations. FVA of our MM-PC-MS tri has by and huge nearly demolished Indian local Agro Industry. This process was started way back when present Excellent Reverend become Governor of Source Bank of Indian and he started to de-evaluate rupees against dollars and other world foreign exchange. His focus though has gotten success to rich and hardship to inadequate but has given a new type of tried to Indian local riches who followed all techniques of trade to profit and make wide resource not to advantage the inadequate but to complete the coffins of governmental events.

What I determine the FVA is an financial policy ready and applied to give advantages to a few preferred ones and drawbacks to too many inadequate in lengthy run. The Special Economic Area (SEZ) is one such step towards this strategy when these Business homes would become tired, the industrialist would vanish with 25% subsidy in their wallet generating large numbers from gone away rates of area at later levels. Two such SEZ systems in Piplia locations of Uttrakhand where over 100 Miles of Land was obtained by Uttar Pradesh Govt but all the unique industrial homes had ingested whole financial assistance provided by the governments and later sold of these systems to third events after lowest pregnancy period of loan reimbursement became center management. These plans are ready to only advantage the damaged and only damaged success in the third world countries. The identical discontents of oppositions amongst Balouchs in Pakistan, Residents in Afghanistan and Sudan are also being applied.

I would recommend conquering the FVA in financial DM of a country; every government has the need to carryout the following:

· One; get ready a wholistic financial red list of whole country based on its ground features and characteristics of sources available;

· Two; Carryout nation's specific source research based on type of sources after categorizing these sources into various sections like, plants locations, natural sources, ore, hot coals, sea sources, area efficiency sources and work sources extensive declares or countries like Bihar, Bangladesh, Philippines Sri Lanka and some countries of Middle East;

· Three; Split these Section into effective development areas like Punjab for whole grain or grain, grain and sugarcane etc, Western Bengal for Rice, Jute and Impulses, Rajasthan for pulses, maize, mustard etc, Kerela for Rice, Fisheries, Assam for natural, Cotton, fisheries and grain, Bihar for Coals and other segments;

· Four; Installation handling systems of identical items in three levels. Stage -1 Units to procures and gather raw generates, phase-2 systems to conveys and make completed items and phase-3 systems to carryout country or globally systems of submission systems;

· Five; after assessing the sections government to make infrastructures to provide roads, power and water features for systems to function.

· Six; make at the same time all other hr growth features with walking ranges of working systems to include work living protection and resorts, educational institutions, medical centers, marketplaces and recreation/ group hallways etc from main resources or independently reserved resources.

· Seven; Never forget to make locations for person last right trip at such locations.

After assessing Bangladesh, Pakistan and China's costs I am of company perspective that

most of the costs such as Indian local are affected by the goals of each others competition rather than financial growth. The visitors would be amazed to know that the biggest numbers of financial frauds are in third world countries and most of them are determining in Indian alone. How can we get over these issues is not the issue but how can our unfair legal program penalized the accountable in country like Indian is the cause of issue. The kickbacks of Bofor Scandal of rupees 60 Crores and above, Urea scandal fraud of rupees 133 Crores of son of overdue Excellent Reverend Narshima Rao and many more are still being examined under the darkness of damaged social program in this country. These are all results of my FVADM.

The misery of the third world individuals is that their authority is not concerned as to how many farm owners have make destruction but they are more concerned as to how to ensure that no damaged gets punished? If a criminal activity has been dedicated than why it takes years after years to find the crime? Will any head response to the people?

I am of the perspective that particularly Indian, Sri Lanka, Pakistan, Chinese suppliers, Bangladesh, Myanmar, Thailand, Vietnam, Malaysia, Singapore and Philippines if bring all and set up financial guidelines of farming, natural sources, sea sources and oil, all the hardship issues would be removed provided we apply anti data file corruption error actions first like Chinese suppliers. Despite single governmental enterprise of guideline, Chinese suppliers has been able to penalize a huge number of financial violators. The Judicial chauvinism in Indian has gotten in the worry of law but still democratic blade of new regulations mounted to avoid local issues with FVA is running not only Indian but all the third world countries into disaster.

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