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Thursday, July 5, 2012

Undefended Nationwide Privileges of the Natural Areas of Bangladesh

Over the past several hundreds of years, place use in Chittagong Mountain Areas (CHT) experienced significant changes. The natrual enviroment protected surroundings with distributed areas of jhum has now modified into a mix of surroundings such as natrual enviroment, shrub-land, jhum and inactive farming with different kinds of farming techniques. Land use in the CHT has modified greatly against the interest of the natural locations. Nationwide guidelines and laws and regulations were certainly some of the key elements that took main during the English northeastern interval. A dynamic force for land-use modify emanated with the announcement of all natrual enviroment and place sources as national property or house by the northeastern govt. These sources were being easily utilized by natural individuals as their handed down group property or house. The announcement of some of the natrual enviroment as source natrual enviroment, development of a dam on the Karnafuli Stream pushing many individuals to keep their our ancestors locations and encroach into the natrual enviroment on hill runs, and a large-scale govt motivated migration of lowland individuals to CHT were the major guidelines and activities which impinged seriously upon the natrual enviroment and natural individuals residing. Enjoying their flaws such as small inhabitants, socioeconomic backwardness and submissive lifestyle, the govt followed such guidelines and activities that pressured the hill communities to move from one place to another in search of place which could offer them some residing.

Land concerns and disputes Jhum town owners as well as associates from the natural group during a field study [from 26 to 27 April 2011 in the CHT] provided insights of what's occurring in the place. At Bandarban (one of the hill districts) many of the individuals are Marma (an natural community), at Rangamati (another hill district) they are Chakma (an natural community), and at Khagrachari (another hill district) they are Chakma. At the moment, around 53% of the individuals of Bandarban are non-indigenous/outsiders (Bangali settlers). Simply place at Bandarban is around 1% of the total place area. 90% of this plain place is populated by the Bangalis (the main nationality of Bangladesh). During Pakistan program, non-indigenous inhabitants in the whole CHT would not surpass 7%. At the moment, they are around 50%. In the Bandarban city (Municipality) 70% of the individuals are non-indigenous. Currently there is only one councilor (from Marma community) at the Bandarban Town, and the rest are Bangalis. Jhum place is diminishing day by day. The Mros (an natural community) are residing in and around the wonderful mountains at Chimbuk (a famous hill range in the CHT), but those mountains do not fit in with them. People having excellent connection with high-ups take those locations. Many wonderful locations like Bagalake are now taken by the movie characters. There is no legal basis for agreement of these lands/hills, but amazingly the highly effective take those for decades without due techniques. Mr. Moung Moung Shing [a municipal community member at Bandarban] laments, "Maybe, in the next 10 decades, there will be no Mro individuals at Noapara (a small town which the research team frequented during fieldwork). Their mountains will be filled by the strangers (Bangali settlers). The Chimbuk was once populated by the Mros and was a wide hill natrual enviroment. The natural individuals reside in and develop the mountains by years, but they have no other way but to keep them, if individuals from outside take up them and ask them (the indigenous) to go away. This continues to be a continuous risk to these individuals. However, the government authorities do not control jhum gardening, because they cannot suggest any substitute for the jhum town owners. They don't get any expansion services from the govt farming division either, though town owners in plain locations of Bangladesh get subsidy on power, manure, and diesel fuel etc." In the Chimbuk place, around 9500 miles of place is filled by the military angles. There is development plan of military angles in Ruma place on another 29000 miles of place (hills). In the CHT the place related concerns and the place disputes are taken to Bohmong Group Master (the traditional king of the natural communities). He tries to take care of the concerns culturally. But there are a large number of place lawsuits in the court, which are beyond the power of the Master or the natural locations.

The most essential matter that needs immediate attention at the moment is the supply of secure place period. For several reasons, it will take here we are at allowing place possession accreditations to moving cultivators. The govt, however, should instantly embrace a policy of allowing inheritable privileges to place being developed by them. Such a step would help to management encroachment on community place for moving gardening as well as motivate town owners to spend in place use and management as had occurred in some locations of CHT. Moreover, the govt should eliminate guidelines such as double prices on sales of farm-timber, constraining the marketing of appropriate farming like town forestry. Instead, the govt should allow of guidelines that offer rewards to town owners for exercising forestry, agroforestry and fruit gardening, which are financially and ecologically better than moving gardening.

Jhum gardening and the jhumia group Earnings for the natural family members comes mainly from jhum. Around 75% of the natural locations in the CHT are jhum town owners. Jhum gardening is more focused at Bandarban in comparison to Rangamati and Khagrachari. The jhumias (jhum farmers) develop 22/24 kinds of plants. They also develop common masalas (spices) for themselves, which are not available in the plain place. Those who are residing beside streets at Thanchi, Chimbuk or Noapra (Sualak) create fruit orchards. They can offer their fruit, like apples, on the curbside. At Thanchi, 95% of the people are jhumias. They grow your plants for mainly house intake. For gardening and in other works, the jhumias help one another. In the para (indigenous village), the individuals don't seek the services of labors, rather group individuals together create house for a para farmhouses. This system of collaboration is in the area known as lakachhi (which means hands united). There are around 12/13 to 30/40 people in the natural paras with an average of 25 people in each para. Each para has its para head called karbari who is hired by Bohmong Master with suggestions from the para people. Several paras making a mauza (lowest level of place department) are advancing by a headman. The source of protein for these individuals is wildlife and deer of the natrual enviroment. Besides, they eat oyster, seashells etc. They also eat legumes, dals (pulses). Gourd, bananas etc. are source of iron for them. The jhumias don't usually fall in a meals disaster, when there is lack of meals in Bangladesh. The Jhumias determine need of plants for house intake in year, and if there is extra of these plants, they may offer those. Even though there is hardly any opportunity for increasing development in jhums, it has no substitute in the place as yet. Jhumias retain mostly seed products from their plants. This practice defends bio-diversity in the CHT, and symbolizes privileges of a group to retain plants variety.

However, moving gardening was an ecologically suitable place use when the natural individuals kept the place fallow for decades. But this was not an financially beneficial activity, as it could hardly meet the subsistence needs of these individuals due to very low come back per unit of place and work. Following the continuous reducing of the fallow interval, moving gardening has turned into an ecologically and financially damaging place use. During our fieldwork it is found that the natural individuals frequently reported about the very low plants generate due to the reducing of the fallow interval, which avoided full recovery of ground libido. A jhumia of the Bandarban region of CHT said, ''the jhum generate has become less than half as opposed to generate during my dad's creation. Most people cannot endure with the gathered plants even for 6 months. Now, there are many individuals, but less place, less ground and less plants. People come back to the same jhum story in every 2-3 decades. If you want a excellent plants, you have to wait for at least 6 decades to allow the place to recover its libido. As the plants is not sufficient, individuals have to gather bamboo bedding, sun-grass and other natrual enviroment items to earn some cash income by selling such products''. In the insufficient place management methods, such as application of plant foods, the reducing of the fallow interval has interupted with the natural process of ground libido recovery. Moreover, the shorter moving gardening pattern, as mentioned above, has frustrated deforestation by avoiding creation of additional natrual enviroment and speeding up the rate of ground loss. Therefore, it is essential to progressively substitute moving gardening with locationally appropriate and financially profitable inactive place uses. [Thapa, B. G., and Rasul, Golam, 2006, Significances of Changing Nationwide Policies on Land Use in the Chittagong Mountain Areas in Bangladesh]

The govt can announce the wonderful natural locations like Chimbuk, Keokradong and others in the CHT as history sites. It should not be overlooked that the natural individuals and the mountains together signify the vibrant variety of the place, not any of the two alone. The govt can create such supply that only natural individuals alone reside in these locations. Others will visit these locations, but none from outside will take up (buy) place there. The governmental power from all events can stress relaxing residing in the hill zones with their value-laden information. The commanders can create amity among all locations with their a excellent reputation. [Existence of military is concern for national security.] Growth of military angles on natural residing locations should be analyzed carefully. Our policymakers should create a extreme modify in their natural mind-set of perceiving individuals as natrual enviroment destroyers. Efficient preservation and management of natrual enviroment is difficult without active community contribution, which needs appropriate rewards. In this respect, it is compulsory to recover natural individuals routine privileges to use and management of the natrual enviroment through the administration of appropriate management techniques such as group forestry. In CHT and elsewhere, it is beyond regional individuals ability to manage all jungles successfully, as they do not have the needed some time to sources for management. Some jungles should, therefore, be under govt management, but they have to be successfully handled, which would first require building up the ability of the Department of Forestry itself.

All concerned must be cautious that the jhumias are functionally landless people of the condition even though typically they are residing on their our ancestors locations from forever. Until there is an efficient substitute to the residing of the extremely source poor jhumias, they cannot be insensibly pressured out of their our ancestors locations on the request that jhum gardening adversely impacts mountains. It is lengthy due for the condition to identify the place privileges of the natural individuals with all needed condition sources and effort

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