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Monday, July 16, 2012

The Last Day Foretold

It [the Last Hour] will not come until you see ten symptoms... landslides [with a dropping down, collapsing, or displacement of the earth] in three locations, one in the Eastern, one in the Western and one in Arabic... (Sahih Muslim)

It is exposed in the when compared to of the Qur'an that all animate and non-living people, the whole galaxy, will certainly come to an end.

This end, the Last Day in other terms, will be the final day of the lifestyle of this globe, but also the beginning of the everlasting lifestyle of the Hereafter. That day, as exposed in the Qur'an, is when "mankind will stand before the Master of all the worlds" (Qur'an, 83:6). On the Last Day, the galaxy and all life will be demolished and that devastation will take position as caused by activities that have never been seen before. In Surat al-Ma'arij our Master reveals:

On the Day the sky is like melted steel and the hills like tufts of shaded fleece coat. No companion will ask about his companion even though they can see each other. An evildoer will wish he could ransom himself from the penalties of that Day, through his kids, or his spouse or his sibling or his family who secured him or everyone else on World, if that only intended that he could preserve himself. But no! It is a Shooting Fire. (Qur'an, 70:8-15)

It is a day when all individuals will view the excellent might of God and will be a day of anxiety, worry and struggling for unbelievers. Our Master reveals in the Qur'an that "the Time is coming" (Qur'an, 20:15) and that it will take position instantly, when individuals are least anticipating it (Qur'an, 16:77 and 7:187). In another line, our Master has informed us that certain symptoms will appear before the Hour:

What are they looking forward to but for the Time upon them suddenly? ITS SIGNS HAVE ALREADY COME. What excellent will their memory be to them when it does arrive? (Qur'an, 47:18)

Our Prophet Muhammad (saas) has described these portents that will take position prior to the Period in details in the Hadith. Moreover to symptoms and symptoms of the Last Day, he has also created claims regarding the interval instantly before it. This interval, when symptoms and symptoms of the Last Day will appear, is the "End Times."

In the first interval of the End Times the globe is loaded with content and religious problems; in the second interval that follows, God will free individuals from damage, war and disfavor through the Mahdi. In this interval, known as the Fantastic Age, war and issue will come to an end, the globe will be loaded with plenty, large quantity and rights, and Islamic ethical principles will propagate over the whole globe and be commonly resided by. Following the end of the Fantastic Age, the globe will experience a very fast failure, after which the Time will come. However, it needs to be described that, as on all other topics, we have no other details regarding the Last Day than that trained us by our Master. Only our Master knows enough duration of the Time, which will certainly take place:

Say: "I do not know whether what you are guaranteed [the Hour] is near or whether my Master will find a extended period before it." He is the Knower of the invisible, and does not disclose His invisible to anyone. (Qur'an, 72:25-26)

The Signs of the Last Day Are Arriving Real One after the Other

When we analyze the Hadith on the End Times, we experience a most outstanding scenario. The symptoms set out in details by our Prophet (saas) more than 100 decades ago are developing just about everywhere on the globe "in the age we are residing in," one after the other and in the way described in the Hadith. The slaughter, war and issue being knowledgeable all over the globe, the increase in data file corruption error, illegal factors being considered as legal, the speeding of ethical damage, the open refusal of God, the walking away from of the ethical principles of the Qur'an, the serious issues being knowledgeable by Muslims, the groundless eliminating of simple individuals, the propagate of hardship and craving for food, the appearance of bogus men of belief, the reputation of miracle and lot of money informing, the development of scams, data file corruption error and infidelity, the appearance of bogus messiahs and many other symptoms all show that the interval through which we are residing holds a higher likeness to the End Times than any other in record. (For details, see The Signs of Jesus' (pbuh) Second Arriving by Harun Yahya.)

Some of these symptoms and symptoms of the End Times exposed in the Hadith have been seen somewhat at various times in Islamic record and in different areas around the globe. However, this does not mean that any of those age groups was the End Times.

Because in order for a interval to are eligible as the End Times, all the portents exposed by our Prophet (saas) must take position one after the other in the same period of time interval. This is set out in the Hadith:

Signs following one another like the items of a pendant dropping one after the other when its sequence is cut. (Tirmidhi)

For example, one of the symptoms given in the Hadith is the solar power and lunar eclipses during the 1 month of Ramadan:

...The first one is the lunar surpass in the first night of Ramadan, and the second is the solar power surpass in the center of this 1 month. (Ibn Hajar al-Haythami, Al-Qawl al-Mukhtasar fi `Alamat al-Mahdi al-Muntazar, p. 47)

Indeed, solar power and lunar eclipses followed one another in the 1 month of Ramadan in the decades 1981 and 1982. It is beyond issue that solar power and lunar eclipses are very organic and regular phenomena. It is important, however, is that these should take position at 15-day durations during the 1 month of Ramadan, and for this to be recurring in two successive decades. Moreover, the point that these eclipses took position simultaneously as other symptoms described above firms the chances that these eclipses are those being known as in the hadith. Another outstanding factor is the way that our Prophet (saas) informed us that a comet will appear soon after these eclipses of the Sun and Moon:

The increase of that celebrity will happen after the surpass of the Sun and the Celestial satellite. (Al-Muttaqi al-Hindi, Al-Burhan fi Alamat al-Mahdi Akhir al-zaman, p. 32)

As described in the hadith, Halley's comet approved nearby the World in 1986 (Hijri 1406), in other terms in the early Fourteenth millennium. This follows the eclipses of the Sun and Celestial satellite that occurred almost 30 years ago and 1982 (Hijri 1401-1402). Therefore, the increase of this celebrity coming simultaneously as other symptoms, and just as described by the Prophet (saas), indicates that these phenomena may well be the symptoms known as in the Hadith.
Another essential factor that must be carried in thoughts when analyzing symptoms and symptoms of the End Times is the size of the indication in issue, its power and impact. For example, our Prophet (saas) has described the development of tremors as a indication of the Last Day. There is no issue that tremors of various magnitudes have taken position at all periods in record. However, in the End Times, through which we are residing, there has been a huge development of the variety and concentration of tremors globally. According to US Geological Study (USGS) reviews, the variety of tremors applying higher than 5.0 in the 400 or so decades between 1556 and 1975 is only 110. According to that same body, 1685 tremors applying more than 6.5 have taken position in the 23 decades between 1980 and 2003 alone. This details verifies the account given by our Prophet (saas) and reveals that symptoms and symptoms of the End Times have features far more outstanding than those of any similar activities that have taken position in other periods. Our Prophet (saas) has also given information of many other symptoms and symptoms of the Last Day as well as just these.
Islamic college students consult some of these as slight symptoms, and to others as significant symptoms. One hadith in which our Prophet (saas) imparts the tidings of the ten significant symptoms and symptoms of the Last Day is as follows:

... It [the Last Hour] will not come until you see ten symptoms... landslides [with a dropping down, collapsing, or displacement of the earth] in three locations, one in the Eastern, one in the Western and one in Arabic... (Sahih Muslim)

In this article we shall analyze these symptoms in the light of certain significant recent improvements.

(For details regarding the other symptoms and symptoms of the Last Day, see Signs of the Last Day, The Signs of Jesus' (pbuh) Second Arriving, Terrorism: The Practice of the Demon, The End of Times and the Mahdi by Harun Yahya).


One of symptoms and symptoms of the Last Day exposed by our Prophet (saas) is that of the "sinking down in the Eastern."

The potential importance of this indication is the disappearance of an area place or a human group. (God knows best.) This portent holds a near likeness to the 2004 tsunami disaster in Japan. Therefore, our Prophet's (saas) portent regarding the "sinking down in the East" may be showing this terrible problem. (Our Master knows best, of course.)

Throughout record various problems, tremors and tornadoes have hit Japan and the Far Eastern. These wrought terrible devastation and vast quantities of individuals approved away in them. However, the tsunami that took position on 26 Dec, 2004, in the southern part of Japan and that led to the loss of more than 225,000 lifestyle, was the toughest of these problems. During this terrible problem, the tremendous power launched by 1000-kilometer smashes because of the activity of subterranean clothing and moving area public, together with the tremendous power created in the oceanic public, hit the shorelines of Philippines, Sri Lanka, Indian, Malaysia, Thailand, Bangladesh, Myanmar, the The maldives, the Seychelles, and even Somalia, 5,000 miles away.

This tsunami disaster in the End Times, when symptoms and symptoms of the Last Day are coming true one by one, affected a very wide place, and led to locations being bombarded by sea water and to a new map around the globe. Therefore, the concept "sinking down in the East" may well be mentioning this disaster in the southern part of Japan. (God knows best.)


The terrible devastation wrought by Natural disaster Hurricane katrina anniversary passes in the US Beach of South the united states last 1 month delivers to thoughts another of symptoms and symptoms of the Last Day described by our Prophet (saas): "the dropping down in the Western."

This "sinking" which our Prophet (saas) states will take position in the End Times must actually be much higher and have a much higher impact than identical ones in previous times. Indeed, the devastation induced by Natural disaster Hurricane katrina anniversary passes was far more extreme than that induced by identical phenomena in previous times.

Throughout record excellent problems have been knowledgeable in European countries and America. Earthquakes, volcanic breakouts, serious weather and enemy strikes have cost the lifestyle of countless figures. However, none of these problems have had such a terrible impact as Natural disaster Hurricane katrina anniversary passes, leading to many individuals to leave, 1000's to lose their lifestyle, tremendous damage to three huge states, and the surging of whole locations. This makes Natural disaster Hurricane katrina anniversary passes different from problems of previous times, and guarantees it top position in the list of devastation in US record. Consequently, the Natural disaster katrina anniversary passes problem may well be one of the three occurrences of dropping known as by our Prophet Muhammad (saas). God knows best, of course.

The Size of the Natural disaster katrina anniversary passes Disaster

The Natural disaster katrina anniversary passes disaster has been the subject of extreme coverage in magazines and on the tv for around monthly now. However, these reviews fall short to highlight the multilateral impact of the disaster, both on the USA and globally. The actual measurements of the disaster are being invisible from individuals, and the range of the devastation is being underplayed. The truth is that Natural disaster Hurricane katrina anniversary passes led to the fatalities of more than 10,000 individuals, lifestyle becoming difficult in almost all of three significant states (Alabama, La and Mississippi), the finish evacuation of one of the most essential locations in the USA, the biggest air save function in the US record, many individuals losing their houses and livelihoods, and damage in excess of $100 million. Various authors have known as the point that such an emergency has not been knowledgeable on US ground since the Municipal War. This disaster, compared by some government government bodies to Hiroshima and the tsunami problem in Philippines, is predicted to have long-lasting repercussions for many decades, and led to a huge place dropping under the water, as described by our Prophet (saas) in the hadith.

The damage wrought by Natural disaster Hurricane katrina anniversary passes may be summarized as follows:

- Natural disaster katrina anniversary passes was categorized as a classification 5 hurricane, comprising the most aggressive classification on the Saffir-Simpson hurricane range, dropping to classification 4 in some locations. Only 3 classification five serious weather have created landfall in the US since information started. Yet none of those triggered such large damage as Natural disaster katrina anniversary passes.

- The loss of life cost could not be established with guarantee in the awaken of the disaster, though government bodies said the variety could be 1000's. Material damage is predicted to surpass $100 million. This calculate limits long-term damage (effects on the ground, sea, lifestyle and climate).

- Natural disaster Hurricane katrina anniversary passes joined the United states country from the Beach of South the united states on Thursday, 29 Aug, and affected three states. La, Al and Ms became almost unliveable. The wind speed increased to 260 km/h. The place affected, a nationwide disaster area, is 233,000 km2 - an place almost as huge as the United Empire.

- The hurricane first affected the condition of California, where 13 individuals approved away and where the weather triggered excellent content damage. It then advancing for the condition of La, leading to terrible damage to the shorelines of La, Ms and Al. Structures on the shorelines in particular experienced tremendous damage. It is approximated that more than 10,000 approved away in these three states; 80% of the town of New Orleans - the biggest in the condition of La - stayed under water.

- The locations of Biloxi and Gulfport in Ms were bombarded by ocean increasing up to 9 measures, and 90% of houses in this place were absolutely demolished. Resorts and enjoyment facilities built on the coast were absolutely broken. This delivers to thoughts another indication of the Last Day revealed by our Prophet (saas):

He asked: "What becomes of you when loss of life satisfies individuals and houses become graves?" (Mukhtasar Tazkirah al-Qurtubi, p. 392, no. 726)

- Some 5 thousand individuals were left without power in the awaken of Natural disaster Hurricane katrina anniversary passes. It has been declared that due to the terrible damage induced, it may take several weeks for power to be renewed to the whole town.

- America acquired 25% of its fuel needs from the Beach of South the united states. Today, 91% of this places complete development potential of 1.5 thousand barrel/day is useless. 83% of the organic gas growing has been ceased. 561 of a complete of around 650 historic oil systems were cleared soon enough by chopper. 20 systems either went under or were attracted from their moorings, and one is constantly on the get rid of. Nobody knows what damage has been triggered to those which have been discontinued. The producing sea contamination is yet another element of the disaster. Eight refineries have been discontinued along the shoreline of the Ms Stream. Those still operating have been shut down because the direction providing oil to area from the Beach of South the united states split. The almost finish blockage of oil development in the place has affected on the US economic environment, and it is also predicted to have long lasting damage on the globe economic environment.

- Thousands of many houses have been made unliveable, and many countless figures have been horribly broken.

- The variety of losing is approximated at around 35,000. More than 300,000 children in the place are approximated to have been created abandoned.

- Electricity reduces, and the point that telephone collections, cell mobile phones and the Online not work has gotten business lifestyle to an almost finish dead stop. It is approximated that around 1 thousand tasks have been losing in all areas.

- Organizations in the areas have been shut. An excellent many academic institutions cannot be used, and excellent damage has been induced on others.

- Local magazines and TV programs have discontinued their workplaces, and have been compelled to continue operating over the Online.

- It is described that it is only a issue of your power and power until outbreaks start in bombarded locations. The corpses that complete the roads, the harmful ingredients in the water, the substance waste materials from industries in the water, junk, and fuel harmful toxins signify a serious risk to the bombarded locations. The US Army plans to start treating using military aircraft against the several that carry the Western Globe malware and that increase quickly in at dead stop water.

New Orleans Has Sunk to the Ground

While Natural disaster katrina anniversary passes induced serious damage on many locations, it has created New Orleans unliveable. 80% of New Orleans, considered as one of the facilities of travel and leisure and lifestyle in the USA, was under water, which in some areas was more than 6 measures deeply. Therefore, New Orleans has almost vanished by being invisible under water. In the same way that our Prophet's (saas) portent regarding "the dropping down in the East" may consult the tsunami disaster in Philippines, the "sinking down in the West" may also indicate the disappearance of the town of New Orleans. God knows best, of course.

New Orleans is a town enclosed by Pond Pontchartrain, the Stream Ms and the Beach of South the united states, and is established about 2 measures below the sea stage. However, some areas of the town lie up to 6 measures below the sea stage and are secured against possible surging by pushes, programs and levees. This system, considered as one of the most expensive overflow protection systems on the globe, was designed in levels since the 19th millennium, and has been consistently increased. However, the levees that run for some 560 miles around the town were designed to meet classification 3 serious weather. They could not hold up against classification 5 serious weather such as Natural disaster katrina anniversary passes (category 4 on some days). Thus Natural disaster Hurricane katrina anniversary passes demolished two of the town's most essential levees, because of which water from the stream, the sea and the stream bombarded 80% of the town.
The shoreline of Pond Pontchartrain were almost entirely engrossed.

Following the hurricane, these levees are organized to be fixed and the water injected out of the town. However, very few of the 148 pushes are actually operating, for which purpose the moving out of the floodwater that fills up the town is predicted to take several weeks. One significant problems is that since the pushes accountable for cleaning up the town are engrossed, it is hard to find anywhere to send the many measures of water protecting the town. Another problem is the range of the impact that the moving of the ocean, horribly impure by corpses and harmful toxins, into the Stream Ms and Pond Pontchartrain will have on lifestyle, which is predicted to even more extreme in the decades to come. The clearing of impure water into the stream, river and sea in the place, considered as one of the main slots of the US fishing industry, will do serious damage to historic lifestyle.
However, government bodies condition that there is no alternative and that moving will go ahead as organized.

This is the toughest disaster since the beginning of New Orleans in 1718. The town has knowledgeable a excellent many stormy weather and serious weather to date but this town, which straight activities a hurricane every 14 decades, has never been experiencing such devastation. The repercussions of the New Orleans disaster may be defined as follows:

- One thousand individuals left New Orleans before the hurricane hit. Countless amounts who stayed desired protection in the La Superdome Arena and an display area. Others desired to secure themselves from the ocean by ascending up to high heights.
Thousands of hopeless individuals who desired protection on the rooftops and higher surfaces of buildings patiently waited times for help to appear. Many individuals approved away from craving for food, hunger and various diseases. There have also been extensive reviews of lootings, killings, beatings and rapes. When element of the ceiling of the Superdome, considered as one of the most secure locations to protection, flattened, this too quit to offer any safety.

- Some 9,000 individuals who were incapable to leave the town and 550 National Secure soldiers were set up in the Superdome. Following the intensification of the hurricane this variety increased to around 60,000 on Sept 1. Thousands of many individuals conducted for their lifestyle in the ground, which was without power, air conditioner and water. As the evacuation was walked up, New Orleans started being termed as a "ghost town."

- A fast development of looting, sexual assault, defeating, destruction, theft and medication working introduced disorder to the town and those buildings in which vast quantities of individuals were sheltering.

- 80% of houses in New Orleans are unliveable.

- Thousands of many individuals do not have enough to eat and drink. There is no water that is clean or food in the town.

- One thousand individuals are without power due to the highly effective gusts of wind that uplifted plants and utility collections, due to which it is revealed that seriously ill sufferers in medical centers are passing away.

- The overflow ocean have put coffins out of plots in some cemeteries in New Orleans. Television programming have shown coffins sailing in the ocean protecting the town.

The disappearance of almost the whole town of New Orleans holds a near likeness to another indication of the End Times related by our Prophet (saas). This is exposed in these terms in the hadith:

Great locations will be broken, and it will be as if they had not endured the day before. (Al-Muttaqi al-Hindi, Al-Burhan fi `Alamat al-Mahdi Akhir az-Zaman, p. 38)

A town really has vanished under the water and been created unliveable.

Indeed, one of the continuous controversy in the USA nowadays is the probability of absolutely walking away from New Orleans and beginning the town in another position in the awaken of the terrible devastation.


Attention is used the hadith of our Prophet Muhammad (saas) to "a third dropping in the Arabian peninsula," along with those in the Eastern and Western.

This dropping that will take position in the Arabian peninsula holds a near likeness to another hadith:

An army comes to battle. Once they get into the wasteland, the one in the front and back vanish, and the ones in the center cannot preserve themselves. (Tirmidhi, Sunan Ibn Majah, Sunan Abu Dawud)

One of the most recognizable occurrences of the 2003 Irak War was the rapid disappearance of most of the Iraqi Army. Many magazines and TV programs revealed on the disappearance of the 60,000-man power known as the Republican Secure and 15,000-man power known as the Fedayeen. The proven reality that this is indicated in the above hadith reveals that one of symptoms and symptoms of the Last Day may have taken position. Indeed, the finding in the times to follow of a element of their warplanes invisible under the wasteland beaches firms the chances that the referrals in the hadith of the dropping of a military in the wasteland may issue the Iraqi Army. (God knows best.) When we consider this hadith together with our Prophet's (saas) referrals to "sinking down in Arabic," it may well be that the event in issue represents this outstanding scenario that came about during the Irak war. (God knows best.)


Most individuals on the globe are to a higher or smaller stage aware of the scary of the Last Day. However, some individuals are reluctant to think or talk about such a vital issue. They are excellent initiatives never to bring the worry that will be knowledgeable when the Time comes to thoughts. They are even incapable to keep it when information of a problem they read in the document or a movie illustrating an emergency informs them of the Last Day. They do not indicate on the point that this day will certainly appear.

The same factors occurred in the awaken of the Natural disaster katrina anniversary passes disaster. People generally attempt to underplay the problem, the terrible disaster was not revealed in an impartial way, and individuals soon losing interest in this terrible devastation. People did not learn about the scary knowledgeable by many countless figures as they should have.

Yet all these problems and problems are a caution, a memory from our Master. Those who consider these problems genuinely, enjoying the speech of their moral sense, will easily realize the transitory characteristics of the lifestyle of this globe and will turn to God. They will realize that it is not too overdue to live by Islamic ethical principles and will not be like those who neglect the reality that the Last Day will certainly come to complete. Our Master states the following with respect to the unbelievers who harbour questions about the Hour:

When you were informed, "God's guarantee very well and so is the Time, of which there is no issue," you said, "We have no idea what the Time is. We have only been conjecturing. We are under no circumstances certain." (Qur'an, 45:32)

Some individuals reject the Period in its entirety:

But instead, they reject the Hour; and We have prepared a agonizing blaze for those who reject the Time. (Qur'an, 25:11)

All these individuals who deceived themselves with respect to the Time are making a terrible error. That is because in His when compared to God reveals that it is available and that there can be no room for issue regarding this:

We did not create the air and World and everything between them, except with truth. The Time is certainly coming... (Qur'an, 15:85)

As we have already described, the point that symptoms and symptoms of the Last Day were fully described 1,400 decades ago and are arriving at complete one after the other is a issue of the biggest importance. This is specified evidence so that we might realize that in explaining in details 1,400 decades ago the image that would appear our Prophet (saas) was mentioning the present day and age. The reviews of the End Times colour a most precise image of our own time. This, of course, is a amazing trend contacting for deeply concept.

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